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White Brick Wall

Over here at Achieving Awesome we believe that everyone deserves to have a happy and healthy relationship with food, exercise, recovery and self care.  You are no doubt here because you are ready for change but where do you start and how do you know what is the right 'diet' for you or what healthy habits actually look like?  


Perhaps you read lifestyle coaching and wondered what exactly that means and questioned how that is relevant when you really just want to know whether to be Keto or start intermittent fasting?

Well here's the thing - just as you can't out exercise a bad diet you also can't expect to change your body composition if your lifestyle choices don't contribute to moving you towards your goals.

There is no magical quick fix diet.  There is no turbo charged way to melt fat or get strong.  It takes work. Sometimes years of work.  But when you focus on the complete picture, when you look beyond the green juice and the scale weight and the 6 week challenges that promise you visible abs, you open up the opportunity to craft a lifestyle that moves you towards better health, leaner body composition, improved performance, clearer thinking and most importantly FEELING AWESOME!

Imagine that - waking up each day feeling well rested, being able to focus without that afternoon slump and sugar craving, being able to push that little bit harder at the gym.  What if you started making healthier choices both in and out of the kitchen because it felt good and body composition changes started happening as a happy consequence? No obsessing over scale weight, no severe food restrictions and no more yo yo dieting.

It almost sounds too good to be true but let me refer you back to a previous paragraph - Achieving your Awesome takes work.  Change requires discipline and consistency.  But before you panic and leave to throw money at a quick fix, crafting a healthy lifestyle is not about being perfect, it's about showing up for yourself and taking one small step at a time. And you get to do it with the support and guidance of a board certified health coach.


Even experienced athletes who have a good understanding of how to fuel their body need someone in their corner to make sure they are able to perform to the best of their abilities and recover well.  So if this is you, we got you too! Achieving Awesome has worked with athletes involved in Olympic lifting and CrossFit as well as endurance runners. 


Coaching is an investment and we want you to feel good about your decision so if you would like to find out more about what we do and how we do it click on "I want to feel awesome" or scroll down and let us know.  If you have time to chat we would love to set up a quick 15-20 minute call for us to get to know each other a little but we can also meet over e mail or text if that is more convenient for you.  You are in the drivers seat so let us know what works best for you!

There is no hard sell and no commitment required on the call.  It is purely an opportunity to scope out if we could potentially be a good fit for each other and if now is not the right time then we will be here ready to support you when it does feel right.

Contact Us

Thanks for reaching out! We will be in touch in 24-48 hours

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Achieving Awesome is based in Santa Barbara CA  |  Tel: (805) 600-9047

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